Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lets start off with some info about myself...
I am 23 years young, live in a chicago suburb and married. I grew up on the south side of chicago in a very close knit family. My dad was a factory worker and my mom a waitress. I feel like I have seen and been through quite a bit in my life, and fully believe it's made me who I am today. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" My grandparents had a busy household when I was young. There was always someone over. I can remember many times when my grandparents neighbor was over, I called her Auntie Dee, and I would comb and style her short hair for hours while she played cards or talked with the rest of the family. I guess thats really where it all started. Anyways, we moved to New Lenox(about 45 minutes south of Chicago) when I was in 3rd grade, and my grandma on my moms side moved in with us. I call her Babcia, which is polish for grandma. She always told me how important makeup and a proper hairstyle was on a woman. I started wearing makeup at a young age. I had to have accessories, and my makeup done or I wasnt going out. It was probably all too much for a young girl, but it made me happy. I would spend hours experimenting with my hair and makeup. My babcia got diagnosed with lung cancer, and passed away 2 weeks after they diagnosed her. She was my best friend, and it completely impacted my life. I was 16, and made the choice to become a nurse because I felt like if they would have found it sooner we would have been able to have her for a few more years. I graduated highschool a semester early and signed up for college immediately. It simply didn't work for me. I didn't go. I didn't care. It wasn't where I was meant to be. I got married at 18 to a man who completely swept me off my feet. He was a marine, stationed in NC, and I moved 1,000 miles away from my family, friends, and the only place I knew as home. I continued to color my hair and friends hair. I did friends makeup. And I found a beauty school in NC, but when I went on a tour, it wasn't right. I figured that maybe that meant I wasn't supposed to do hair, that it wasn't right for me either. In 2008, we moved back. I told my parents I wanted to go to cosmetology school, and their reaction wasn't warm. Both my parents did hard labor(though, at this point my dad had moved up the ladder at his work and was now sitting behind a desk) and they didn't want their daughter to do that. They wanted me to "have a better life than they did" and become a nurse, or lawyer. A career that I wouldn't have to struggle and "beauticians didn't make good money." Though I haven't mentioned too much about my dad yet, he is extremely important to me and I am a daddys girl 100%. His advice really mattered to me. I then went through the training and became a licensed insurance agent. The monetary opportunities were endless, but I still wasn't happy. I honestly was beginning to feel like nothing was right for me. A few months later, my husband and I split and it made me take a look at where my life was. I decided that I did not want to do insurance, and signed up at a community college for general classes. I finished that semester with honors. But, I hated it. I still hadnt found a career that sounded right for me. And my husband actually sat me down and told me to follow what made me happy. See, the thing is, when I have a bad day, I'll wash my face, turn on music, and redo my makeup and hair. Its like a new slate. I then realized I needed to go to my parents as the 23 year old I was and tell them that whether they like it or not, I'm going to follow my dreams. They weren't happy, they told me to atleast get an associates degree and then I could go to cosmetology school. I didn't listen and started doing tours. I went to Regency, Hair Professionals, and then Trendsetters Paul Mitchell. I walked in and fell in love. That brings us where I am today....

I have been in school now for about 6 months. I'm halfway done. I can honestly truly say, waking up and going to that tour of the school at 9 in the morning that wednesday was the best decision I've ever made. It truly is my dream and my passion. I am still helping people which is the only thing that drew me to nursing. I can help make women who are having a bad day, or a bad month feel important and beautiful even if its only for the hour their in my chair. School so far as been too amazing to put into words. I have met some women who I want in my life for years after this. We all have such different backgrounds, and personalities, but it is what makes it so wonderful. I have met a woman who has changed my life. My learning leader Jenn is truly an inspriation. She is someone to look up to. She has so many qualities I want. She's a strong woman, she is doing her passion everyday, she has the biggest heart and continually gives back to the community and she is successful. I am the president of the 'Be Nice or Else' team that she is the leader of. It's a team based on the book written by Winn Claybauch. Its a huge part of my life, and it has changed who I am.

Thats all for the intro. Atleast now when you read, you'll know a little background.

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